The Quiet Time Ritual for Success
August 15, 2024
We know we must create the mindset for achievement; success is not happening by chance. We also know we must get clarity on what we want and what we need to do with respect to our income, our relationships, our health, and everything needed to create a better life. More income, better relationships, better health, all these different things.
Once you identify and you write down what you want and what you need to do, the key to the kingdom at this point is something I call a Quiet Time Ritual.
How Do I Do This?
A quiet time ritual is just 10 or 15 minutes a day reviewing the things you want and the things you need to do to get them.
Early in the morning or in the evening, whatever’s better for you, find a quiet place and bring a list of the goals you’re trying to create in your life.
Simply begin by reading the statements from the list. For example, you might have something on there like:
- I earn $200,000 a year
- I run every lead with passion and purpose
- I always ask for the order
In this example, there’s a line about your income goal. But a goal is just an unreachable thing until it has action steps attached to it. So what do you need to do on every single call in order to reach that income goal?
Does This Really Work?
I know some people who think planning things out is boring. Most of those people aren’t successful when trying to wing it, and they haven’t come to terms with the simple solution of creating action steps to reach a goal. It simply works.
The next step in the quiet time ritual is to sit down and review the list for 10 or 15 minutes during your chosen time. I do like to keep my quiet time ritual to a certain part of the day, but the most important part is that it’s done and not skipped, even if you’ve missed your normal time slot.
Next, we want to make sure we don’t read the list too quickly. I want you to read it, think about it or meditate on it, maybe close your eyes and then visualize running the call the way you’re supposed to, visualize making the income. Visualize the purpose and benefits of the additional income.
Napoleon Hill, a hundred years ago, in Think and Grow Rich, said you have to imagine yourself already in possession of the thing. And the thing is whatever you want, right? Whether it’s an income, a better relationship, anything really. Maybe your list includes:
- I’m an awesome husband to my wife
- I listen with the intent to understand, not with the intent to respond
- I give up the need to always be right
Read the things you want and need from your list, then stop and visualize. Visualize yourself becoming a better listener, for example. Visualize the outcome of a better relationship.
This is really, really important and is the key to the kingdom in terms of achievement because what you’re doing during that quiet time ritual is conditioning your subconscious mind. You have to realize that your subconscious mind is the most powerful supercomputer problem solver on the planet. Your subconscious mind will solve any problem that you give it.
For example, if you are trying to figure out a mechanical problem or a financial problem and sometimes you just can’t figure it out, you suddenly wake up at 2 a.m. and bam, there’s the answer!
That’s because your subconscious mind never stops trying to figure out the problems that you assign it. But there’s a caveat. Your mind is powerful in terms of problem solving, but it’s a lousy judge of character. It will act on negative information just as much as it does positive.
Good Mental Food
So you have to make sure that you are feeding your subconscious mind the positive things that you want to achieve in your life. Here’s what I want, here’s what I have to do. And they get emotionally connected to it by visualizing it and seeing the outcome.
Over the course of time this repetitive process, connected to powerful emotion, begins to program the subconscious mind to do what? To go out and to solve the income problem. To solve the relationship problem. It will solve any problem that you give it. The subconscious mind is 10,000 times more powerful than the conscious mind. You just have to give it the right instructions.
So get clarity on what you want in terms of your income as a service technician, CSR, installer, comfort advisor, it doesn’t matter what you do. Get clarity on what you want and what you need to do. Get clarity on what you want to achieve in your relationships.
What action steps need to be taken every day to make it happen? And with your mental, spiritual, and or physical health, what do you need to do each and every day to support your action? 10 to 15 minutes in a quiet time ritual and you will program your subconscious mind to go out and help you find the answers.
This is touching the surface of the Quiet Time Ritual and what it can do for you. We’ll talk again next time. Have a great week!